Austin Z, Marini A, Macleod Glover N, Croteau D. Continuous Professional Development: A Qualitative Study of Pharmacists’ Attitudes, Behaviors, and Preferences in Ontario, Canada. Amer J Phar Educ. 2005; 69(1): Article 4.
This study used focus group discussions to evaluate Ontario pharmacists’ education-related attitudes, behaviors, and preferences toward Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Less than half of the participants were familiar with CPD prior to this study. The participants were primarily female, trained in Canada, practicing in a community site, and within 15 years of graduation. Findings are discussed related to four key themes: definitions/conceptions from of CPD and CE, evolution of CE to CPD, workplace learning as a vehicle for CPD, and role of peers in enabling CPD. This study concluded that CPD is challenging, but also that this type of learning is very important and should be used more often in the work place.