Rouse, MJ. Continuing Professional Development in Pharmacy. J Am Pharm Assoc. 2004; 44(4): 517-520.
This paper provides a comprehensive summary of the concept of CPD. It begins by addressing the role of continued learning, then transitions into concerns regarding the current CE system, most namely a lack of continuum and professional development. CPD is described as being a systematic, cyclical learning method that enables professionals to be more effective. It is suggested that CPD should: be a part of the pharmacist’s entire practice, become a partnership between the practitioner and their organization, and put the pharmacist in the driver’s seat for their learning. In addition, there is information about each component of the CPD model, providing some justification about the role each piece plays in lifelong learning. Those components include reflection, evaluation, planning, acting, and recording (documentation). The paper concludes by discussing the growing support for CPD nationally and internationally.