ACPE and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) have developed a continuing pharmacy education (CPE) tracking service, CPE Monitor®, that authenticates and stores data for completed CPE units received by pharmacists and pharmacy technicians from ACPE-accredited providers.

To access CPE Monitor ® and for tools and information for providers on how to use  CPE Monitor® please see below:

CPE Frequently Asked Questions for Providers

If you have additional questions please email [email protected]

CPE Monitor® is a national, collaborative effort by ACPE and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) to provide an electronic system for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to track their completed continuing pharmacy education (CPE) credits. It offers state boards of pharmacy the opportunity to electronically authenticate the CPE units completed by their licensees, rather than requiring pharmacists and technicians to submit their proof of completion statements upon request or for random audits.
Yes, CPE Monitor® is required by all ACPE-accredited providers
The NABP e-profile is completed by the pharmacist and/or technician via the NABP web site. The pharmacist and/or technician will give the NABP e-PID number to the provider when registering and/or completing a CPE activity.
It is the responsibility of the pharmacist and/or technician to obtain and submit the correct NABP e-PID to the provider. The provider’s responsibility is to provide the information they have received to ACPE in electronic format. The pharmacist and/or technician will also be responsible to assure that the information in their profile is accurate; much like one checks their credit card bills or bank statements on line to verify proper records.
In the CPE Monitor® system, there is a process to communicate back to providers about any activities that failed validation in our system. Incorrect numbers, resulting in failed validation of activity, will require re-submission when the correct number is determined by the provider and participant.
The provider will not have a mechanism to look up the NABP e-PID number; it is the responsibility of the pharmacist and/or technician to provide the correct NABP e-PID number. The provider should suggest to the participant to go to the or site to query the system for their NABP e-PID number.
No, the pharmacist with multiple licenses will only need to complete the profile one time. In their e-profile there is a section where the participant may input all their license numbers. 
As the ACPE –accredited providers will not distribute paper CPE statements of credit of ACPE-accredited courses, the NABP/ACPE CPE Monitor system is expected to be the single repository of this information and will be maintained on licensees’ behalf and reported to state boards who request verification of CPE. Candidates who create a profile will be able to monitor the accuracy and completeness of their CPE information reported by ACPE-accredited providers, and can proactively contact the provider if their information is not properly reported.

Those who create a profile will also be able to access and print or download a record of ACPE-accredited CPE activities for their own records, or in cases where their licensing agency requires it.  If pharmacists/technicians do not create a profile, this information will not be collected on their behalf to report to the licensing board(s) as part of any CPE audit. This may have consequences efforts to maintain licensure in states where CPE compliance is required. We strongly encourage all licensees to create and maintain their CPE profiles to ensure that there are no difficulties when maintaining their pharmacist license or technician license/registration/certification.

For questions regarding profile creation and maintenance, as well as the reporting process to the state boards of pharmacy, please contact NABP Customer Service at 847/391-4406, Monday-Friday between 8:30 AM and 5 PM central time.
Please contact NABP directly. Please note that users are recommended to use Internet Explorer 9 and above for better results. 

Submitting Participant Data to ACPE

There are 3 mechanisms: manual, secured file transfer protocol, and web service. Please refer to the Technical Specifications document to review the detailed procedure.
No. Providers will be able to upload with one file multiple activities for multiple individuals.
No. When a batch is submitted, only that one record that does not match must be resubmitted. The 999 participants that match will pass through and be queued to be processed. The provider will only need to correct the single error-record.
Yes, there is a process to send a delete request (for an activity) and a new add/insert request for the correct activity (see the Technical Specification document, pages 68-84). Yes, you can download the exact data that you submitted to ACPE.
The provider must upload the participant information 60 days from the date of the participant completing the CPE activity. If the participant completes the enduring (home study) activity the date of expiration, the provider will have 60 days post-expiration date to upload the participant information.
ACPE staff and IT consultants will work with providers to inform them of the various options for uploading the data and help large providers understand what changes will be needed in their systems to accommodate the data transfer. If the provider chooses to distribute the statement of credit, the participant must be aware that this is not an official document. The credit must be awarded via CPE Monitor®.
If participants do not have an e-PID number (not licensed in the United States) then please submit the number of participants who receive ACPE credit in aggregate. If the participant does have an NABP e-PID, please upload their information as you would with other U.S.A licensed pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.
When using Google sheets,  one may save the sheet as a “.csv” (comma separated value) or “.txt” file (text file) and upload the comma separated value or text file.  The values in the text file must be comma separated.  Google Sheets also supports export or save as a Microsoft Excel document.  The link below shows how to save a file locally from Google sheets.

Time Allowed to Upload Information to ACPE

Providers will be able to upload participant information for the CPE activity up to 60 days post the date the participant completed the activity. Required Fields for Submission
Yes, as an ACPE-accredited provider you will have that authority to require these fields in order to award the credit or the participant will not receive the CE credit Verification of Participation in CPE Activities
It is the decision of the provider to choose the mechanism to verify the pharmacist and/or technician participation in the CPE activity and justify it to ACPE when the provider submits their comprehensive report for continued accreditation.
Validation process will still need to occur. Providers are responsible to make sure that the requirements for the credit are met by the pharmacists and/or technicians in order to receive credit.
Statements of credit should not be directly provided to participants.  The credit awarded should be uploaded to CPE Monitor®. If the participant would like a paper statement of credit, they may print it off their NABP e-profile.
If providers still distribute statements of credit, they need to inform their participants that it is not the official record.  The official record of credit will be the information in CPE Monitor®.
Yes, pharmacists and technicians will be able to print their transcript in its entirety and individual statements of credit from their NABP e-profile created at or
ACPE will be working with providers to distribute information to pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. On the ACPE web site,, at the CPE Monitor web page we have material that providers can use to distribute to pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. NABP will be sending information to the state boards of pharmacy regarding the service. 
No, this information will be on the web site. ACPE and NABP believe that should be the responsibility of the pharmacists and or technician to submit the correct number to the provider. Participants will have the ability to query for a forgotten NABP e-PID number.
Requests for use of the CPE Monitor® logo should be directed to NABP’s Communication Manager, Larissa Doucette at [email protected] or call 847-391-4468.