ACPE Pharmacy Accreditation Report Management System (PHARMS)

With the release of the new 2025 standards and corresponding rubric, the decision was made to develop an online platform, managed by ACPE, for colleges and schools to create, manage, and submit their program’s self-study report via any common web browser.

The Pharmacy Accreditation Report Management System (PHARMS) for the Professional Degree Program of Colleges and Schools of Pharmacy is designed to assist a college or school in preparation of its self-study report and document how its program is addressing the ACPE’s standards. The platform specifically identifies the documents, data, and narrative text that should be provided by the college or school for evaluation of the program’s compliance with each of the standards.

This tool is intended for the creation and submission of the final report. It is not meant to be used for data collection or as a peer review tool of the report.

For the Dean: 

Login information will be provided by ACPE at least one year in advance. College or school staff can prepare their report in a word document and can copy and paste the information into the platform once access is granted. Additional formatting can be done using the editor in the platform.

Please note:

  • Please submit evidence that is specific to the type of evidence being requested and named appropriately.
  • There is no need to print or export the report as flash drives do not need to be sent to ACPE.   Team members will be provided access to the submitted report via the PHARMS platform.
  • Previous versions of your report are NOT saved.  There is only one copy containing your most recent changes.

Deans with questions please contact [email protected]