ACPE and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) have developed a continuing pharmacy education (CPE) tracking service, CPE Monitor®, that authenticates and stores data for completed CPE units received by pharmacists and pharmacy technicians from ACPE-accredited providers.

Providers can access CPE Monitor by clicking here or by clicking on the CPE Monitor logo to the left.

For tutorials, resources and guides regarding CPE Monitor, please click here.

For learner information, please click here.

The ACPE Provider Web Tool is a secure, web-based application designed for ACPE-accredited providers to input CE activity related information for redistribution to the Pharmacists’ Learning Assistance Network (P.L.A.N.) and validation mechanism to CPE Monitor®. The provider will be able to:

  • Submit and update CE activity related information
  • Update contact information using the Provider Verification Form
  • Obtain the ACPE logo or Plan logo
  • Review accreditation history
  • Request changes in an activity description form
Providers can access the Provider Web Tool by clicking here or by clicking on the PWT logo to the left.

For tutorials, resources and guides regarding the Provider Web Tool , please click here.

ACPE’s Pharmacists’ Learning Assistance Network (P.L.A.N.®) is a continuing pharmacy education information service provided to pharmacists and pharmacy technicians through Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education.  This collection of continuing pharmacy activities offered by ACPE-accredited providers created through ACPE’s Provider Web Tool (PWT) serves as the continuing education activity catalog for this service.

The P.L.A.N.® service has been developed to allow both pharmacists and pharmacy technicians the opportunity to pursue a curricular approach to professional development through organization and planning of their continuing pharmacy education needs.  In addition, since most states recognize ACPE-accredited providers, activities listed with the P.L.A.N.® service may satisfy pharmacists’ and pharmacy technician’s continuing pharmacy education requirements.  This tool may be accessed via the web-browser or a mobile device at the following location:

CPD is an approach to lifelong learning. ACPE defines CPD as a self-directed, ongoing, systematic and outcomes-focused approach to lifelong learning that is applied into practice. It involves the process of active participation in formal and informal learning activities that assist individuals in developing and maintaining continuing competence, enhancing their professional practice, and supporting achievement of their career goals.

The principles of CPD have already been incorporated into continuing education systems in several countries, including Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. In the US, several national pharmacy organizations, including ACPE, have adopted statements or policy regarding CPD. The CPD approach is being implemented and studied in academic, regulatory, and practice environments

For more information regarding CPD, please click here or click the CPD logo to the left. 

Continuing Education Self-Assessment Report System – CESARS

After receiving feedback from providers regarding difficulties in formatting their electronic submissions in one PDF format, ACPE has now transitioned to an electronic report submission tool for you! All providers will submit their Comprehensive Self-Assessment report via ACPE’s new online platform, CESARS: Continuing Education Self-Assessment Report System!

For more information regarding the CESARS platform, please click here or click the CESARS logo to the left.